Reader, last week, I told you about using angles; today, I'm going to show you. For this example, the original piece of content will be inspirational. I'm going to show you 4 different examples using the angles of Objection, Limiting Belief, Myth and Mistakes so you can see how we take clients' inspiration posts and turn them into sales content. Inspirational to Objection: How I went from STRUGGLE to DESIRE You think you can't achieve DESIRE because of STRUGGLE Example of a systems strategist: 💫How I went from systemless to streamlined 💰You think you're destined to be disorganized because you're not type A Inspirational to Limiting Belief: How I went from STRUGGLE to DESIRE DESIRE isn't possible for me as a TARGET AUDIENCE Example of a Career Coach: 💫How I went from jobless to an inbox full of job offers. 💰"I'll never be hired for my dream position as a single mom." Inspirational to Mistake: How I went from STRUGGLE to DESIRE When I first decided I wanted DESIRE, I tried MISTAKE and here's what happened Example of a Web Designer: 💫How I went from a website with all the trimmings to 4 page site that converts at 66%. 💰When I first decided to create my site, I had 8 different pages mapped out. Inspirational to Myth: How I went from STRUGGLE to DESIRE DESIRE is only for those who have more MONEY/TIME than me Example of a Productivity Coach: 💫How my client went from endless to-do lists to everything time blocked in her calendar. 💰Organized Calendars are only for those who don't have the time constraints of being a mother. Hopefully, this has given you an idea of how you can start repurposing your own content. But if you're reading these and thinking "my brain does not work like that, that's what I'm here for. Check out our DFY and DWY services to see how FDStudio can support your marketing strategy. May your tea be hot and your wifi strong, Felly. p.s. And if you loved this, you're going to love the challenge I have coming for you in March, keep your eyes peeled. |
Just another unprofessional entrepreneur talking about marketing and falling in love.
Reader.There's one topic that every single time I teach it, I swear I'm watching people's brains implode. Their faces resemble something like this: 🤯🤯🤯.And it's funny to me, because it's quite a simple concept but it's also something I've never seen or heard another content repurposer talk about.That topic is Angles. Angles are the lens that you put in front of your content to change it from one angle to another.Here at FDStudio, we have 8 that we swear by: Myth Mistake Limiting Belief...
Reader, you're not repeating yourself enough. I can guarantee that you're not repeating yourself enough. Tell me: Does your audience repeat back your messaging to you when buying your offer? Do people show up in your DMs saying they saw/heard something that is similar or relates to your offer and messaging and tell you it made them think of you?If you said no to either of those, you're not repeating yourself enough. Why does this matter? When people naturally repeat your message, it means its...
Visibility is cool, right, Reader? But you've probably hit the point where chasing views lost it's shine and now you're looking for paying clients. Repurposed content isn't just copy-pasting, it's changing the angle. Take your content and transform it from an inspirational story to addressing an objection.When you consistently share your processes from different angles, your audience will notice that you know what you're talking about. Think about it: If you can address objections, mistakes,...